Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Way We Were ...

I decided to back to the old background, or something close to it. When I came up with the name of the blog, it was a play on "mailsack". So I wanted to go with the feeling of a mailsack, at least as how I thought of them. Usually they are canvas or burlap with some text on it. And I wanted to stay true to that. So the new background is added. The overall feel and appeal is much better ... don't you agree?

Enjoy this Sunday post!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice looking either way, IMO! I "get it" now that you explained about the burlap! Boy, that would be one tortureous itch on a "ball sack" if you had to wear burlap undies all day!!! Not to mention on the prick and butt cheeks too, especially if you had to sit down all day!! };-)