Sunday, January 10, 2010

Putting In Some Extra Hours ... Trying To At Least

I forgot how much I really don't like putting in hours for work from home. I am distracted way too easily. So need to discipline myself better when it comes to that. Luckily the hours I am putting in are overtime. So I can start and stop when I want to ... which I have a feeling will be shortly. :) Hope that your weekend went well. Take Care!


Anonymous said...

Don't know what you work schedule is like but I love your work on your blog site. Very very nice sir!

Schadenfreude said...

Holy shit, the guy 5th from the bottom has a huge cock! Yummy.

Leatherpigboy said...

Hope you had a good weekend, sounds like your really falling back into work with no problem! :)

harry said...

Wait, wait, wait! How was the sex party? I've never been to one so I'm hugely fascinated, and jealous as all hell. Do tell all!