Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sacks For Saturday ...

Well, I decided to not go to the Bearracuda party thing this evening. Not feeling so great about myself so figured it would be best to avoid putting myself in a situation that could potentially make me feel worse. Maybe I will go to the next one. Who knows ... Did put up some Halloween lights on the patio and roommate, dog and I sat out there for a little bit as well. Was nice to finally be able to enjoy our patio, we were not really able to in the last apt. Feels nice.

Having one of these cocks and their balls in my mouth would feel nice right about now too!


Olympus said...

mmmm very hot blog! I love the first pic of this post... mmmmmmmmmmm he is hot!!!

I like this blog, i add u to my favs... This u my blog, u can add me too:

Hot Home Boys said...

That first cock and balls is sooo hot. I love that thing. Love to have that one in my mouth spurting cum right down my throat. mmmmmm