Wanted to take a moment to say 'Happy Halloween' to all of you. Whatever you do tonight, hope you have a lot of fun. Be sure to stay safe!
I will be staying in, not attending any parties. Still extremely stressed out and don't have the cash to do anything. I am still about $200 short on getting rent paid in full. If you have not helped out yet or are still debating about it, hopefully you can find it in your heart to do this. I would truly appreciate it.
I first want to say thank you to the small number of you that took the time to donate and help me get through this situation this month. I just wanted to let you know that I am still about $200 short of making rent at the end of the month. So if you are still debating about helping, hopefully you will decide that you can and want to. I would truly appreciate this and it would help me get this taken care of.
As I said before, you can click on the 'Donate' button, log into your Paypal account, select 'Send Money' to do this. You will need to enter my email address, TheMaleSack@gmail.com and be sure to select 'Money Owed' under the Personal tab. This way neither of us are charged fees for the transaction. If you wish to mail something, please email me at the above email address and we can discuss it a bit further.
This will be the last time I make mention of this and ask anyone for anything. I have no doubt that some of you don't want to see me talking about it anymore. I had two phone interviews yesterday and am hoping for the best with both of them. One in particular. That being said, I hope you decide to help me out. I cannot thank all of you enough!
Figured I would get back to what you all love ... balls! Hope this post does not disappoint!
I also want to say thanks again to those that helped me out with donations. If you decide you want to help, I realized there may be some confusion with the process on Paypal. When you click on 'Donate' you have to first log into your Paypal account and then select 'Send Money'. Once you do this, you then enter my email address, TheMaleSack@gmail.com. You will then select the 'Personal' tab and then 'Payment Owed'. This way neither of us have to pay fees on the money sent. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up.
Enjoy the pics guys! I am so grateful that you all follow this blog!
I want to say thank you to the few of you that have decided to help me out per my previous post. I am still somewhat behind so if you have not helped out yet, and still can or are still debating, I hope that you can offer up even a little. I am not pushing anyone to help. If you want to, thank you ... if you don't, that is your decision. You can use the 'Donate' link or email me at TheMaleSack@gmail.com
Aside of the positive feedback I have received, I have also received a few negative. I have posted ALL of the comments you have posted. I see no reason to hide or provide things that only make me look good. I need to say this. I already know what I did was not the smartest thing. But sometimes there are things that happen that have gone on for too long that you are just unable to tolerate them any further. We all handle things differently, I only wish everyone realized that. If we all handled things the same way, well, things would be a hell of a lot easier. There are a number of things that took place that led up to me leaving. Before you judge me with such harsh words, maybe you should make sure you are well informed. I do not understand how some people are so utterly rude and inconsiderate like that. I would NEVER say that to anyone regardless of how I was feeling.
Again, thanks so much for all of the support and positive feedback you have sent me. I hope to get back to regular posts this upcoming week. Believe me, if I could turn back time I would not have made the decision that I did. But just because I did not handle things the way a certain person thinks I should have, it does not make me less of an adult. But most importantly, it does not make me any less of a human being!
I can only imagine the backlash I am going to receive for this but, you know what, screw it! I need to do what I need to do.
As you all know, I left my job a couple of months back. I thought that I was doing the right thing. Looking back on it ... not so much. I did not think that things would go the way they have the last couple of months. When I thought that things would get better, they turned and only got worse. I have never been so scared, so freaked out, in my entire life. I have applied for a number of jobs and nothing is happening. I had one phone interview today and the woman did not seem so impressed with me. And I had high hopes for this position.
That being said, I am having a really hard time making ends meet this month. I have not been spending the little money that I have so that I can put it towards rent. My bills/utilities are taking a back seat for this very same reason. I have sold many of my belongings on EBay in hopes to get closer to the amount that I need. But I am still about $400 to $500 off where I need to be. So that is why I am reaching out to all of you.
I know that there will be haters who say that all I do is ask for money. Everyone has their own opinion and I am sorry that you feel that way. I am reaching out to all of you because I have nowhere else to turn at this point. If I had family to ask, I would. Believe me, I hate asking you all for help because I know the kind of hate responses that I am going to receive 'Anonymously'. I need to do this. I do not want to lose my apartment and end up on the streets. This is a very scary time for me.
If you are able to help me out, please take the time to do so. I would be so very grateful. You can click on the Donations link in the right hand column or you can email me at TheMaleSack@gmail.com to discuss mailing something to me. I am at wits end right now and don't know what else to do at this point. Please .... I do not expect all of the money to come from one person. That would be awesome, but unrealistic. Any amount will help and would be greatly appreciated.
Figured I would give you all something to look at when you wake up this morning. I decided to get laundry out of the way since I am nowhere near tired. My sleep schedule is WAY off! That is what nights laying in bed worrying will get you I guess. On top of that, I am super frickin' horny and these pics sure aren't helping! Hope you all are doing better than I am ...
It is about 3am here and I was lying in bed unable to sleep. So much stress lately that my mind races when I am lying in bed. I took a sleeping pill earlier but it did not do anything. So I just popped two more (OTC pills) and am hoping those kick in soon. So I figured I would give you all something to look at when you get up in the morning. Enjoy!
Have pics of your low hanging nuts that you want to share? Maybe even a friends or lovers? Hell, even an ex lovers? Maybe you just want to share your opinion of the blog with me? If so, feel free to shoot me an email at TheMaleSack@gmail.com. I welcome and encourage it and I look forward to hearing from you.
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If you want to keep in touch with me more or be able to speak to other followers of the blog, click on the link below and join my page. Look forward to talking to you all more soon.
45 years old currently living in Wisconsin. Moved from the Bay Area of CA about 4 years ago. Love nice cocks and a nice pair of balls! My email address is themalesack@gmail.com. Please feel free to send me any pics you have and want to share with the blogs followers.