Just the other day I had to make my bi-weekly payment on my laptop. So that cut into the little money I had left. Then I need to pay rent next week, once that is done, I will be completely broke with no money coming in. I am trying to think of things I own that I can sell to make a quick buck. At least enough to come up with the next payment on my laptop which is due the 15th. If I do not have it, Rent A Center will come to pick it up. On top of that my bills are going to fall behind. And I need to find a job within the next week to be sure that I will get paid in time for rent next month. I can feel myself slowly falling apart. All I want to do is sleep and eat. It is starting to keep me from going out and doing things. Well, that and having no money.
Anyway .... enough of my problems. Enjoy this evening's post.