Hope that you all had a good day today, well, better than mine at least. It just turned out to be a crappy day. I left work early because my mind was scattered. It also turned out to be the day that I realized that I am truly disappointed in the life I have led. So many things need to be changed about how I do live it, it is not going to be easy at all. Definitely not looking forward to the fight ahead.
What is it that Pumba says to Timon in the Lion King? Oh yea .... "You have to leave your behind in the past!" ...... I just need a new angle on life.
Speaking of "behinds" and "angles" .... how do these make you feel? :)
The weather is great here today but I am in a blah mood. Not sure why. Part of it may be that I am worried about my roommate. He flew back home to Wisconsin last Friday because his Dad is having heart surgery this week, today as a matter of fact. I got an email from him saying that there were complications and some major bleeding, but that they were able to stop it and he was stable. He also said there were like 2 hours of surgery left. That was this morning ... worried that things may have taken a thing for the worst. So yea, think that is a big part of it.
Anyway ... I still hope that you enjoy today's post and that it helps any of those struggling to get through the midweek blues ... or black & whites! :)
I know ... Tuesday is almost over. Really sorry for the late post. Today was my day off, you would think I would have been more productive.
Kinda shaken up a little. Was just out walking the dog and 3 shady drunk guys were walking around. So I took the dog down a different direction, toward the busy street and one of the guys followed us and kept saying "hey, can I ask you a question". I told him no and kept walking, he then started to get a little rude. So the dog and I walked faster and took a different direction to avoid them. But when we neared the apt, who do we run into? That same guy and one of the other guys, so we crossed the street. The one guy started yelling at me again, I heard say "that's undercover". Assume he thought I was a cop. So the other guy started yelling. Needless to say, the dog and I rushed into the apt. Going to make another attempt at walking her later ... like a couple hours from now.
Anyway, hope you enjoy today's post. I should have another one for you tomorrow, somewhat earlier.
Another Sunday is upon us. Man! The weekends sure do go by fast lately. I have not been doing much except working. Put in 12 hours on Friday and 10 hours last night. Have to put in another 8 today, aiming for more.
This post ties with someone new I added, a Donate button. It is to the right, above the disclaimer. The reason why is above the button. Really hope that I can get a little help from my friends.
Hope you like today's upload. I went for something a bit different. Incorporating two of my favorite things .... low hanging nuts and getting head!
I should so be putting in hours for work right now but keep finding things to do to avoid it. So that means you all get to benefit from it!
I hope you are all having a great weekend. Weather here has gone back to being chilly and rainy. I don't mind it so much though. Although the gloomy weather makes me want to crawl into bed.
Have pics of your low hanging nuts that you want to share? Maybe even a friends or lovers? Hell, even an ex lovers? Maybe you just want to share your opinion of the blog with me? If so, feel free to shoot me an email at TheMaleSack@gmail.com. I welcome and encourage it and I look forward to hearing from you.
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If you want to keep in touch with me more or be able to speak to other followers of the blog, click on the link below and join my page. Look forward to talking to you all more soon.
45 years old currently living in Wisconsin. Moved from the Bay Area of CA about 4 years ago. Love nice cocks and a nice pair of balls! My email address is themalesack@gmail.com. Please feel free to send me any pics you have and want to share with the blogs followers.