The Grammy's are coming on in about 10 minutes, definitely looking forward to seeing them this year. Hope that Beyonce gives a good performance and looking forward to seeing P!nk perform. But the one performance I am so very much looking forward to tonight is Lady Gaga's opening performance. This girl can do no wrong in my book! I am a huge fan! With that being said I am going to finish this post and get comfortable in front of the tv. Have a good night guys!
Well guys, I m back ... miss me? You don't have to answer that. :)
Hope all of you are doing well. Thanks for being so patient with me while I took some time to myself. Even though it was a short period of time it definitely felt longer. Not entirely sure I worked through all of my issues but it did me good to get some rest from things. Looking forward to getting a good night's sleep tonight. It was a busy week. Only two more days until my birthday. And guess how many people took a look at my wishlist and felt the need to be generous and send me a birthday gift .... None! Zip! Zero! Zilch! Oh well ... Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Will talk to you soon.
Hey guys ... I am going to be taking a few days away from the blog, possibly the remainder of the week. Kinda down in the dumps right now. Feel like my mind and life are all a big mess right now. I need to take some time to figure things out. What's important and what isn't. I need to prioritize some things and organize others. Emotionally I feel like a huge wreck right now.
If I am feeling up to it I will try and get some posts up for you. But please don't hold me to that. Not entirely sure why I am feeling this way and part of the time away from the blog is to hopefully figure that out.
I will be back at some point in the next week .... Take care of yourselves in the meantime.
I am so looking forward to these next two days off! This week has definitely worn me down. But I don't think I will get as much relaxation as I hope to. I wrote up a "To Do List" for the next couple of days and there are quite a few things I want to accomplish. We will see what I am feeling up to tomorrow. Who knows ... I may just not get anything done! Hopefully you guys had a nice relaxing Saturday and are able to enjoy the rest of your weekend. Talk to you soon!
Oh ... and don't forget to check out my "Birthday Wishlist". I mean, if you want to help me have a memorable 34th! :) You can click on the link in the right hand column ... -------------------------------------------------------->
I love the feeling that Ambien gives me ... I feel like I can take on the world! I become so motivated and excited about getting things done. So much so that, at some point, I don't want to go to bed and end up staying up all night long. Sometimes I even hear voices and see things ... I remember the first time I took one, years ago, my roommate and I were dating at the time and sharing the same room. I took an Ambien, went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night because I thought I saw a woman standing in the closet wearing a cloak. Kinda like the old lady with the apple in Snow White. She kept calling me over so I finally got up, walked to the corner and stood there talking to her ... and she was talking back. A conversation was taking place. I woke up the roomie/ex and he told me to get my ass to bed .... good times! Now I must say goodnight ...
Have pics of your low hanging nuts that you want to share? Maybe even a friends or lovers? Hell, even an ex lovers? Maybe you just want to share your opinion of the blog with me? If so, feel free to shoot me an email at I welcome and encourage it and I look forward to hearing from you.
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45 years old currently living in Wisconsin. Moved from the Bay Area of CA about 4 years ago. Love nice cocks and a nice pair of balls! My email address is Please feel free to send me any pics you have and want to share with the blogs followers.