Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Bit Disappointed ...

I took a look at the number of jobs I have applied to in the last 2 weeks and it is very disappointing. The total number is 12 ... and that is just in the last 2 weeks. And out of those 12, how many have followed up with me? ... ZERO! I am not sure what the deal is and it is a huge downer! I know I am qualified for these jobs but have absolutely no clue as to why I am not being considered for them. I am losing hope BIG time.

I am going to get myself out of the apartment today, really need a change of scenery. Although I am fairly certain it will not make me feel any different about my future.

Anyway ... Happy 1st day of July. Weather here is a little gloomy and cool. Hope that you enjoy today's post and have a great day!

1 comment:

manxxx1 said...

thanks for those hot hangings pic.. always make my day