Friday, July 31, 2009

Still Awake & No Idea Why ...

It is about 5:26AM here in CA and I have yet to go to bed. I have been up since 7AM yesterday morning. Part of me wants to lie down, part of me doesn't. It kinda sucks because I was really tired last night and thought I would have been in bed early. Does not seem to be the case. So I figured I would give you all something to get you going this morning since I am sure many of you are just getting up to start your day. I hope these help! TGIF right?!?!?


Ruffy said...

I hate not being able to sleep-- it sucks...btw, this is an awesome post of beautiful hangers!

The MaleSack said...

I am right there with ya Ruff! Its 3:30am here and I am still up and looking at my porn! :) How have you been? Hope all is well. Miss talkin' to you!