I know I have made this request before, probably awhile ago, but putting it out there again. I am looking for more amateur/non-model photos. Maybe you took some or, even hotter, someone took some of you. They could be of you and your nuts anywhere ... in the bedroom, in the car, in a bookstore, under a stall ... you get the idea! Hell, they could even be of your dick in someones mouth or ass! :) Your dick can be soft, hard, or not even in the pic. I think you know where I am going with this. Even hidden/spy type pics that YOU took would be hot, although a rarity.
All I ask is that you have a nice pair of nuts. Ideally I prefer the big, low hanging variety, but I am open to other types ... I guess. I mean, I really want them to be a nice set, something worth showing off. They don't have to hang super low or anything, they can hang some or just be large in size. You know what I mean ... you have seen the pics I post here. Or maybe you have amassed a collection of low hangers that you really like, feel free to send those as well.
The email address is still the same, TheMaleSack@gmail.com. If you want credit for them or want me to watermark them, for whatever reason (even though I am not a big fan of that), just let me know and let me know who I should give credit to. I look forward to your emails! Now I really need to leave for the park. :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Cruise Control ...
Beginning to think that is what I need ... some control! I am once again off to SF for some morning/afternoon cruising. Although I am not sure how much success I will have today. There is a huge ass concert going on this weekend called SF Outside Lands. If you don't know much about it, like me, click on the name of the festival for more info. There are performers like Black Eyed Peas, Jason Mraz, Ween and M.I.A. performing there, among a hell of alot of others. I did not expect such big names there, sounds like it would be cool. Maybe it will be loud enough that it will add a soundtrack to my day ... just like a real porn! :) Gonna get going soon in hopes that I miss any of the crowds taking both BART and MUNI! Will update ya'll later!

Friday, August 28, 2009
Can't Stand The Heat ...
The temperature is up there today. It's not only hot but muggy as well, the worst kind of combination to have. Took the dog out and was worn out and sweaty halfway through it. Came in and popped the air conditioner in the window. But I know that this heat is nothing compared to the heat I used to live with in Chicago, not sure how I survived, aside of having an air conditioner in every room practically. I am not sure how I would react to it now, being away from there for 3 years. It's so hot that my balls sweat ... maybe I should consider wearing underwear again ... NOT!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Scout's Honor ...
So I ended up going into SF and over to the park for my usual cruising. It was a bit of a success, well, more than the last couple of times I went. When I was done with the first guy I met, I pulled my pants up as he pulled up his and asked if he needed a napkin or a moist hand wipe thing, he said he was ok. I took it out of my bag to wipe the dirt off my knees and he said "You must have been a Boy Scout" to which I replied, with a smile, "Yes I was". This is the second guy that has said that to me just because I came prepared. And when this guy said it, I was not even sure I should respond, kinda like a rhetorical statement of sorts, but I did anyway. I took it as a compliment. I thought that anyone who plays around in the park would think to prepare themselves for any situation. Guess I was wrong. Nonetheless, I still had a halfway decent time this afternoon. Now I just have a horrible headache! Dam poppers!

Not Sure What To Do With Myself ...
I am in kind of a foul mood today, woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess. Not in the mood to sit in the apartment all day, think I may end up heading into SF again. I hate that I go there so often, and I have a feeling it upsets my roommate. But if I don't go then I just end up crawling back into bed and sleeping until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I guess that, in some weird kind of way, I feel that by going to the park I am being productive. Does that even make sense? I don't watch much tv anymore and all of my day is spent in my room sitting at the computer otherwise.
Anyway ... whatever I end up doing, I still hope you all are having a good day. And, as always, enjoy this morning's post!

Anyway ... whatever I end up doing, I still hope you all are having a good day. And, as always, enjoy this morning's post!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In The Process Of Moving ...
As many of you may have noticed, more and more blogs utilizing the Blogger tool, are disappearing. For whatever reason Blogger is taking us out one by one. We are not given any type of notification or reasoning, our blogs are just suspended and never brought back. Many people do not even get the chance to change to a new service and notify their loyal followers. I am trying to be proactive and am working on getting my blog moved to Nibblebit. The URL is below but nothing is there as of yet. If you follow the link now, you will just be taken to the Under Construction page. But I wanted to give it to you ahead of time ... just in case. So please make sure to note it somewhere or bookmark it. I will keep you all updated as to when it is live.
The new URL will be http://themalesack.nibblebit.com

The new URL will be http://themalesack.nibblebit.com

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