Monday, August 10, 2009

Yo Joe!

In honor of me seeing G.I. Joe the other night I thought I would post some Channing Tatum photos. This is also in response to a comment left by 'joehairy' in hopes of him producing pics I could post. Some may have seen the nude images of him, before he was famous, others may have not. Prior to becoming an actor he did some nude modeling and was also a male stripper, but did not get totally naked. So hear are his nudes as well as some other faves of mine. Hope you like!

And, just as a note, G.I. Joe was not as bad as I thought. Maybe that was because I went into it with low expectations. I had some of the toys when I was younger but was never a huge follower. The movie is pure fun! My faves were the Baroness and Scarlett ... love kick as women!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about him! Visually hot looking until he opens his mouth and does that annoying mumbling thing!! To me it's like when adolescent boys try to deepen and "butch up" their voices "so they don't sound so gay"!! :-( As if that's a crime!! Oh, and regarding GI Joes...I loved the joke Julie Brown once made when talking about a Ken doll on her old MTV comedy show..."Don't bother to look! He's smooth down there!"